People Screening
Industry leading people screening solutions
Our advanced people screening systems provide enhanced security at a variety of checkpoints - airports, manufacturing facilities, government buildings, nuclear power plants, correctional institutions, and more. Pro:Vision and SafeView systems are free of any x-rays or ionizing radiation, providing individuals with a safe and efficient screening process that only requires a single stationary position during the scan. The Leidos system does all the work for the individual and requires no special movements or motions.
Leidos has deployed more than 2,400 millimeter wave body scanners globally. Our systems automatically detect concealed objects made of a broad variety of materials, both metallic and non-metallic, and provide a high throughput while achieving low false alarm rates.
Pro:Vision 3
The Pro:Vision 3, the newest in our portfolio, is a people screener designed to meet evolving security needs. It uses wide-band frequencies to enable superior levels of detection and throughput while achieving the industry’s lowest false alarm rates.
Pro:Vision 2
The Pro:Vision 2 is the most widely deployed advanced personnel screener in the world. It quickly screens passengers using safe millimeter wave (MMW) technology to automatically detect concealed objects made of a broad variety of concealed materials – both metallic and non-metallic.
The SafeView underscores Leidos' commitment to improve aviation security through the advancement of innovative technologies for diverse, complex and demanding applications to automatically detect concealed objects made of a broad variety of materials – both metallic and non-metallic.
Metal detectors
Choose elliptic or panel, sensitivity level and throughput for the right system to search for concealed weapons, prevent theft or perform routine entry and exit screening.