Contract Vehicles
Key players in government support, holding major contracts for civilian and defense agencies, including acquisition, delivery, and quantity agreements.
Leidos holds many of the largest and most important government-wide acquisition, indefinite delivery and quantity, blanket purchase agreement, and customer-specific task order contract vehicles in support of civilian and defense agencies. Whether you’re a potential government customer or a prospective supplier, through this listing you can find our technical and professional services under pre-negotiated terms and conditions. Below is a sampling of the notable contracts, schedules, and vehicles Leidos currently holds.
Governmentwide Multiple Agency Contracts (MACs) and IDIQs
The overall objective of ITES-3S is to provide industry best practice, best value, non-personal services to enable a broad range of enterprise-level support services for IT integration and service management activities to the Army, other DOD agencies and all other Federal agencies, including, but not limited to, locations CONUS, OCONUS and warzone areas. The scope includes Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Management (C4IM) requirements as well as services and solutions necessary for the Army and other services to meet current and future DOD-CIO standards.
- Contract: W521P1J-18-D-A009
- Contact: [email protected]
Multiple Award Contract (MAC) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) awarded by Army Research Laboratory to support requirements of the Army Research Laboratory, the Department of Defense, and other Government agencies. Services include applied research, advanced technology development, and demonstration, validation and operational systems development to support the Army Modernization plan and its priorities. Those priorities are long-range precision fire, next generation combat vehicle, future of vertical lift platforms, advanced Army networks, advanced air and missile defense, and soldier lethality and protection.
- CRN 348604
- Period of Performance: May 31, 2023 - May 30, 2028
- Government Point of Contact: [email protected]
- Leidos Points of Contact: Jon K. Nussbaum, Vanessa Holden, Jeff Lau or Dennis Riggs
Under this contract, Leidos provides Federal and State Government Agencies and Organizations with world class program management and procurement services for their Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) and knowledge-based professional engineering services mission requirements.
- Contract: W15P7T-19-D-0174
- Contact: [email protected]
The Defense Enclave Services (DES) contract provides network modernization to 22 fourth estate agencies and field activities. Under DES, Common Use IT systems are now under a Single Service Provider architecture, including application hosting, storage services, cybersecurity, video services, IT services management, message and directory services, end user support, and network access services.
- Contract Number: HC104722D0002
- Period of Performance: July 5, 2022 - July 4, 2032
- Contact: [email protected]
DISA Encore III is a follow-on to the DISA Encore II IDIQ vehicle and focuses on modernizing IT capabilities at the federal level, particularly within DOD. The scope of Encore III includes all activities within the Military Services and DOD. Other Federal agencies may utilize this contract to satisfy their Information Technology (IT) requirements after making the appropriate Economy Act Determination in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR 17.5). IT solutions that can be requested under this contract vehicle encompass a range of capabilities from legacy systems to emerging net-centric technologies, cyber security, mobile environments, web-scale IT, cloud-based disaster recovery and evolving network interfaces. The government can use this vehicle to obtain support covering different operating levels in areas such as Command and Control (C2), Intelligence, Mission support areas, unified capabilities, enterprise services, business systems and other elements of the DOD Information Network (DODIN). The work performed under this contract includes supporting the government by furnishing personnel, materials, travel, services, managed services and other items needed to satisfy the worldwide development, deployment, operation, maintenance and sustainment requirements of DISA and its customers.
- Contract: HC102818D0013
- Contact: [email protected]
SETI is a contract vehicle that has a focused scope to provide new, non-commodity and innovative information technology engineering solutions, embracing cutting-edge technologies and methodologies for mission partners across DOD. The SETI vehicle was designed for current complex and unique requirements, as well as built to be technology-agnostic in order to solve capability gaps in all future mission needs. Mission partners: DOD Offices and Agencies; Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD); Federal Agencies; Coast Guard; Intelligence Community; Combatant Commands; Joint Staff; Air Force; Army; Marine Corps; Navy; Mission Partner Engagement Office (MEPO); and International Partners.
- Contract: HC1047-18-D-2009
- Contact: [email protected]
- Period of Performance: March 1, 2018 - February 28, 2028
The broad technical scope (22 different technology areas) of DTIC IAC MAC includes all RDT&E services and other R&D-related analytical services. Authorized Users: DOD components; U.S. Government agencies (federal, state, local); Industry, Academia and other institutions; international organizations in which the U.S. Government is a member or participant; and Foreign Governments or foreign military organizations with which the United States or DOD has international agreements.
Task orders may be valued from $15M and up with a POP of up to 5 years (not base plus option, but 5 years).
Contract Types: CPFF/CPIF (most common), FFP, FFP LOE;
Multiple types of funding allowed.
- Contract: FA8075-18-D-0009
- Contact: Jon K. Nussbaum, Vanessa Holden or Jeff Lau
- Contract Details: 9 year, $28B ceiling
- Period of Performance: September 30, 2018 - September 29, 2027
The Alliant 2 GWAC provides Federal Government agencies with integrated Information Technology (IT) solutions for evolving needs on a global basis. This GWAC allows for the application of technology to meet business needs including the ability to perform all current, leading edge and/or emerging IT services required to satisfy all IT services requirements anywhere and anytime worldwide.
Alliant 2 provides flexible access to customized IT solutions from a large, diverse pool of industry partners that includes a $75 Billion program ceiling.
The scope of the Alliant 2 GWAC includes any and all components of an integrated Information Technology (IT) solution, including all current and any new technologies which may emerge during the lifecycle of the Contract.
- Contract: 47QTCK18D0008
- Contact: [email protected]
- Period of Performance:
- Base Period: July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2028
GSA ASTRO is a family of multiple/separate MA-IDIQ contracts that is sponsored by the DOD. This vehicle is administered by GSA FEDSIM. The scope includes operations, maintenance, readiness, research, development, systems integration, and support for manned, unmanned, and optionally manned platforms and/or robotics, as well as the services that support those platforms and robotics.
GSA ASTRO spans many areas of expertise and includes any and all components required to formulate a total solution to a requirement. Requirements may call for solutions that cross over disciplines; include ancillary support services and/or products; require commercial and/or non-commercial items; require professional and/or non-professional labor; and use a variety of contract types. These platforms and robotics may be based on land, air, sea, and/or space.
- DOMAINS: 1) Operations; 2) Maintenance/Readiness; 3) Development/Systems Integration; 4) Support; and 5) R&D
- POOLS: 1) Data; 2) Mission; 3) Aviation; 4) Ground; 5) Space; 6) Maritime; 7) Development/ System Integration; 8) R&D; 9) Support; and 10) Training.
Leidos is one of only 6 companies hold all 10 pools and can compete across them all.
- Contacts: Rich Fanelli, Program Manager and Juvy van Tuijl, Contract Manager.
- Email: [email protected]
- GSA ASTRO website
- Sustainability disclosures
One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) provides federal agencies with professional services that allow for both commercial and noncommercial requirements as well as contract types at the task order level, including fixed-price, cost-reimbursement, time-and-materials, and labor-hours. OASIS can yield better outcomes for the federal government around reducing costs and expenses, improving operating efficiency and increasing focus on socioeconomic contracting goals.
OASIS complements GSA’s Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) program and provide customers a more flexible full-service offering. OASIS contracts are used by agencies in meeting professional service objectives, unlike GWACs, which are to be used by agencies in meeting Information Technology objectives.
- Leidos Contract
- Dynetics Contract
- Christopher Schmahl - Program Manger
- Amanda Hanson - Contract Manager
Learn more
For over 20 years the US Government has relied on Leidos human capital and training solutions to provide services to over one million federal employees. We understand the federal workplace and its unique human capital, human resources and training requirements, and work closely with agencies to develop solutions to meet their mission needs.
- Contract: Pool 1 GS02Q16DCR0022, Pool 2 GS02Q16DCR0057
- Contact: Mina Qulizada - Program Manger, Bonnie Petricca - Contract Manager
JE-RDAP is an MA, enterprise-wide omnibus IDIQ contract vehicle to establish a cadre of qualified contractors (IDIQ holders) to compete for JE-RDAP task/delivery orders for future research, development, acquisition, production, procurement, and fielding of CBRNE defense systems, equipment, and materiel. JE-RDAP is managed out of the Joint Omnibus Management Office (JOMO) of the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical Biological Defense (JPE)-CBD.
- Contract: W911QY-18-D-0097
- Contact: Reginald Howze - Program Manger, Denise Penn - Contract Manager
The CIO-SP3 Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) is a ten-year Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract. Any federal civilian or DOD agency may use this contract to fulfill a broad range of mission critical IT requirements as diverse as Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, and Health IT. The CIO-SP3 contract is managed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC).
The CIO-SP3 contract vehicle has been designed to save federal government customers both time and money. A one-stop source for hardware, software, security, and outsourcing procurements, CIO-SP3 is structured to provide flexible pricing arrangements, streamlined ordering procedures, and a secure, easy-to-use electronic government order system for task order competition, management and awardee selection which features built-in FAR guidance. Task orders may be awarded in 30 days or less.
- Leidos Contract
- Contract: HHSN316201200044W
- Contact: Sally Stanger - Program Manager
Learn More
- 1901 Group Contract
- Contract: 75N98120D00003
- Contact: Don Hirsch - Program Manager
Learn More
- Leidos Contract
The Visible Accessible Understandable Linked Trusted (VAULT) IDIQ may be used by the US Air Force, other service branches, the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), and the Combatant Commands to obtain subject matter support in data acquisition, preparation, and architecture; development of agile algorithmic solutions; evaluate and/or execute data governance and data maturity models; conduct data analytics using state of the art mathematical and AI/ML techniques; and data environment development.
- Contract Number: FA701422D0008
- Period of Performance: July 2022-July 2028
- Points of Contact: Joe Devlin and Edith Ochoa
GSA Schedules
- Contract: GS-00F-022CA
- Contact: [email protected]
- Period of Performance: January 15, 2020 - January 14, 2035
SINs SIN Description 512110 Video/Film Production 541330ENG Engineering Services 541370GIS Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services 541380 Testing Laboratories 541420 Engineering System Design and Integration Services (price using #GS-35F-116AA) 541430 Graphic Design Services 541511 Web Based Marketing 541611 Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services 541613 Marketing Consulting Services 541614 Deployment, Distribution and Transportation Logistics Services 541614SVC Supply and Value Chain Management 541620 Environmental Consulting Services 541690 Technical Consulting Services 541715 Engineering Research and Development and Strategic Planning 541810 Advertising Services 541820 Public Relations Services 541850 Exhibit Design and Advertising Services 541910 Marketing Research and Analysis 541922 Commercial Photography Services 541930 Translation and Interpretation Services 561210FS Facilities Support Services 561920 Conference, Meeting, Event and Trade Show Planning Services 562112 Hazardous Waste Disposal Services 562910REM Environmental Remediation Services 611430 Professional and Management Development Training 611512 Flight Training 624SS Social Services, Professional Counseling and Veterans' Readjustment and Behavioral Health Services -
GSA MAS Information Technology (IT) and Office Management offers cutting-edge information technology services, cloud, contact center solutions, digital transformation, AI/ML, systems development, programming, and solutions based IT products. Leidos can offer a complete single-source solution via any of the numerous labor categories including: program managers; software engineers; cloud migration engineers; systems analysts; cyber security specialists; network engineers; and many more.
- Leidos Contract
- Contract: GS-35F-116AA
- Contact: [email protected]
- CAGE: 6B6E2 and
UEI: JSTDGZNFP4A3 - Period of Performance: 12/13/2022 - 12/12/2032
- GSA Government Website
GSA MAS Catalog
- 1901 Group Contract
- Contract: GS-35F-0617W
- Period of Performance: 9/2/2010 - 9/1/2025
- SINs:
- 511210 Software Licenses
- 518210C Cloud and Cloud-Related IT Professional Services (Infrastructure as a Service [IaaS], Platform as a Service (PaaS], and Software as a Service [SaaS])
- 54151ECOM E-Commerce
- 54151S IT Professional Services – Labor Categories
- Leidos Contract
Under the GSA Schedule Security & Protection, the diverse and in-depth knowledge of these services and products offered by Leidos is available to all federal, state and local governments and other authorized agencies using a streamlined ordering process. Specialized law enforcement and security equipment products are also available via this contract vehicle, including:
- VACIS® non-intrusive inspection (NII) systems
- RTR-4 portable digital x-ray systems
- Contract: 47QSWA19D00A8
- Contact: [email protected]
- Period of Performance: August 29, 2019 - August 28, 2039
- GSA Government Website
New SINs Description 334512 Professional Security/Facility Management Services 541330L Security Systems Integration, Design, Management and Life Cycle Support 334519 Metal and Bomb Detection Equipment
Radiation/Nuclear Material Detection EquipmentOLM Order Level Materials (OLM)
Agency Specific IDIQs
The Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract (SPARC) is a cost-effective, innovative solution for procuring information technology (IT) professional services from a pool of CMS experienced partners. CMS will use the contract for strategic, technical and program management services. The agency wants to modernize business processes and supporting systems and their operations. Some of the systems include the Federal Healthcare Exchange and Medicare/Medicaid information technology systems.
- Contract: HHSM-500-2016-00011I
- Contact: Doug Litten
SIA 3 is a multi-billion-dollar IDIQ sponsored by Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Task orders awarded under the contract support five task areas: Analysis, Sciences, Engineering, Analytic Enabling, and Counterintelligence (CI) / Human Intelligence (HUMINT) / Collections.
This contract will provide worldwide coverage, support, and assistance to DIA by delivering timely, objective, and cogent military intelligence to warfighters, defense planners and defense and national security policy makers, all vital to the security of the U.S. Work will be performed at contractor facilities and at government facilities in multiple locations in the continental U.S. and overseas.
- Contract: HHM402-19-D0018
- Contacts: Lisa Duncan, Contract Manager
- Period of Performance: August 5, 2019 – August 4, 2029
SITE III is DIA's third consecutive IDIQ contract to address the evolving information technology (IT) requirements vital to the security of the United States. The contract facilitates worldwide coverage for integrated IT intelligence requirements and technical support services to the DIA and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).
The SITE III IDIQ contract provides a centralized and synchronized IT acquisition capability to meet worldwide security requirements and technical support services. Leidos will support this effort through system design, development, fielding and sustainment of global intelligence and command and control assets.
- Contract: HHM402-21-D-0021
- Contacts: Lisa Duncan, Contract Manager
- Period of Performance: March 2, 2021 - March 1, 2031
GSM-O II supports the daily operation and sustainment of DISA’s networks, Data Centers, and related services to include cybersecurity activities and computer network defense initiatives. Also, GSM-O II supports a wide variety of related technical initiatives. Companion network activities from DISA’s customers and mission partners may also be supported. Emerging activities, including aspects of DISA’s ecosystem construct, may be supported, promoting more efficient agency-wide network operations and sustainment, cybersecurity activities, computer network defense initiatives among others. Finally, with a 10 year period of performance, the sole source IDIQ offers the opportunity for Mission Partners to transition to GSM-O II and enhance mission performance through modernization and innovation.
- Contract: HC102820D0001
- Contact: Paul Welch - Program Manger, Michelle Matthew - Contract Manager
- Period of Performance: January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2030
GSA-awarded IDIQ for scientific and technical intelligence analysis supporting National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), the US Air Force, Department of Defense, and National Level intelligence efforts. Mission areas supported are air; cyberspace; space and counterspace; ballistic missiles; forces, technologies and infrastructure; OSINT; HUMINT; SIGINT; and training.
- Contract: 47QFLA19A0010
- Period of Performance: October 1, 2019 - November 30, 2029
- Point of Contact: Jack Donahue
Provide services that span the entire spectrum of mission areas and technical capabilities supported by the Department of the Navy (DON) ordering activities. Services to be provided under this contract are categorized into the following categories: 1) Engineering Services and 2) Program Management Services with 23 sub-functional areas that were further broken down in the PWS.
- Contract: N0017819D8006
- Contact: [email protected]
- Period of Performance: January 2, 2019 - January 1, 2029 (includes 5-yr Base Period plus a 5-yr option)
The Information Technology Support Services Contract (ITSSC) encompasses a complete range of services related to Social Security Administration's major systems modernization initiatives, including support in the areas of design, development, testing, and maintenance; and database administration, imaging, and document management.
- Contract: SS00-17-60016
- Contact: Rajesh Gupta
A cloud service program that includes multiple contract options aimed at efficiently linking government agencies with commercial IT services and solutions. Its goals are to enhance competition, leverage collective purchasing power, improve Enterprise Data Management, and elevate the customer experience and overall acquisition value for the USDA and its external partners. Leidos has received an unrestricted award in Pool 2.
- Period of Performance: 10 years; 04/10/2024 - 04/09/2034.
- Contract number: 12314424G0036
- Contract Ceiling: 10 years
- BOA for STRATUS Cloud Basic Ordering Agreement - Pool 2 Integration and Development Support Services.
- Core Capabilities:
- Digital Modernization
- Cloud Modernization
- Cloud Security
- DevSecOps
- Data Analytics
- Agile SAFe
- CI/CD Pipeline Engineering
- Low Code/No Code
- Governance
- Project Management
- Operations & Maintenance
- Identity & Access Management
- Staff / Team Development
- Contact:[email protected]
Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology (T4) Program provides IT services solutions which will include technical, systems engineering and other solutions encompassing the entire range of IT requirements needed by the VA and other government agencies to modernize the VA’s information technology infrastructure. The contract will also support the VA’s goal of providing seamless access to benefits and health information systems. This includes support for development of a common joint platform for digital medical profiles with the Defense Department.
- Contract: VA118-16-D-1004
- Contact: Wally Matkovich