For Suppliers
Our suppliers and subcontractors are critical to our success, and we are committed to teaming with suppliers that best fit our needs and those of our customers. We are especially committed to teaming with our small business partners to leverage their diverse strengths.
Start doing business with Leidos
If you are interested in doing business with Leidos, please complete your company profile by selecting the link below. Small businesses are also encouraged to register in our Supplier Profile Portal for future opportunities. Note that registering your company profile does not qualify you as a vendor or guarantee work with Leidos.
To ensure a successful registration, be specific in describing how your company can meet Leidos’ business needs, markets, opportunities, and/or customers. We recommend exploring our website to learn more about Leidos before reaching out.
Accounts Payable and Invoicing
We appreciate your business! To ensure a seamless invoicing process and timely payments, please review the Leidos Accounts Payable Invoicing Welcome Guide. This document contains all the information you need on the following:
- Invoice requirements
- How to submit your invoices
- Lifecycle of your invoice
- When to expect payment
- How to inquire about your submitted invoice
- Available reports
Ethics and Supplier Code of Conduct
Our suppliers are vital to the success of Leidos. Our goal is to partner with responsible companies that share both our values and our commitment to high ethical standards. The Leidos Supplier Code of Conduct (the Code) outlines our expectations for suppliers, including their employees, personnel, agents, and subcontractors. Suppliers must adhere to the Code and uphold our value of integrity while conducting business with or on behalf of Leidos.
Suppliers are encouraged to develop their own ethics and compliance programs. The Defense Industry Initiative (DII) of Business Ethics and Conduct offers complimentary resources to assist in the development of your programs.
If you believe that Leidos or any of its employees or agents has acted improperly or unethically, please report such behavior to the Leidos Ethics Helpline (855) 753-4367. We are committed to conducting business with the highest integrity and business ethics and we encourage our suppliers to read the Anti-Kickback Letter.
"Small business is good business"
At Leidos, partnering with small businesses is more than a commitment—it's a core part of our business strategy and supported at the highest levels of management. Our dedication to small businesses is deeply ingrained in our history, as Leidos was once a small business itself.
Small business development program
We believe small businesses, including small disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran-owned, HUBzone companies and historically black colleges and universities as well as minority institutions bring good capabilities and technical know-how to assist Leidos and better serve our customers.
Small business profile database
Our database allows small businesses the opportunity to submit or update their company's capabilities and past performance information directly to our line organizations. Additionally, we offer the following links to the Small Business Program sites of our customers. These links will provide important updates regarding small business contracting and subcontracting regulations.
Our vision and commitment
By working together with small businesses, we tap the strength of diversity. Our highly talented employee owners, in conjunction with our small business teammates' professional staff, bring tremendous and extraordinary depth and breath of technical expertise to create solutions that help solve complex problems for our Nation. Our collective experience and innovative ideas are key to jointly building business in the following areas:
- National Security
- Cyber
- Intelligence
- Homeland Security
- Logistics and Product Support
- Space and Earth Sciences
- Health
- Engineering
- Global Commercial Services
Supplier diversity
We believe that a focus on inclusion and diversity across Leidos improves team performance, influences innovative business strategies and drives positive results by advancing our workforce, cultivating an inclusive workplace and advancing our reputation in the marketplace. This extends through our supply chain, where the inclusion of minority-owned and operated businesses is fundamental to our ability to meet the important missions of our customers.
Inclusion and Diversity at Leidos
To underline our commitment to supplier diversity Leidos is partnering with national bodies who represent diverse minorities who add unique perspectives to the solutions we provide for our customers at all levels.
Our first national partnership, NGLCC is the business voice of the LGBT community. For more information visit nglcc.org.
SLATE is a Leidos web-based claim submission tool hosted by our partner Unanet. Suppliers using the SLATE tool are required to log their Labor and Expense claims on a daily, or weekly, basis to be approved for processing NLT Sunday (the end of the work week).
Sustainability and social responsibility
Leidos is committed to advancing Global Citizenship in all aspects of our business, including our procurement activities. We understand the potential effects our procurement decisions have both on the environment and in our communities, and we support operating in a socially and environmentally responsible manner including the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. Principles of sustainability are woven into the fabric of Leidos culture through our mission, vision, and corporate values. We are committed to a management approach that protects the environment by avoiding, mitigating, and remediating negative impacts of our operations. We expect our suppliers to comply with all local environmental, health, and safety regulations and encourage them to join us in protecting the environment by informing us of environmentally preferable product offerings, using processes, materials, and transportation methods that support sustainability of the environment throughout the supply chain (e.g., applying energy-efficient, environmentally friendly technologies to reduce waste, and emissions to air, water, and soil). Further, we expect our suppliers to not engage in the discrimination of employees or discriminate in the selection of lower-tier suppliers on the basis of sex, race, color, age, religion, creed, sexual orientation, national origin or citizenship, ancestry, disability, marital status, gender identity, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by law.
Health and safety questionnaire
Before issuing a subcontract or task order for fieldwork, a subcontractor’s safety qualifications must be reviewed and approved by the Leidos Corporate Health & Safety department.
If you're a contractor working with our Energy, Infrastructure & Automation or Climate, Energy & Environment operations, complete the following form.
Closeout procedures
We would like to express our sincere thanks for your efforts to help Leidos meet our business objectives with uncompromising integrity and business ethics.
Requesting a past performance rating
We understand the challenges small business suppliers have in obtaining past performance ratings for use with offers on prime contracts with the Federal Government. In compliance with the SBA final rule, published July 22, 2022, in the Federal Register, document citation 87 FR 43731, we have simplified the process. First- tier small business suppliers and subcontractors may request past performance evaluations for services or products provided on a Leidos prime contract within the past three years. To begin the process, complete the form below. Please allow 15-days for completion.