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propulsion test


Building innovative solutions to power human exploration

Our expertise in design, analysis, systems engineering, integration, manufacturing, and test provides full-spectrum support for launch vehicles, missile systems, and spacecraft.

Rocket Propellants

  • Liquid Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide, and Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Kerosene (RP-1), Propane, Ethane, Methane, Hydrogen
  • Hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN) (AF-315E) and hydrazine
  • Solid and Hybrid rocket motors



  • Propulsion testing: up to 50,000-lbf thrust-class engines and stages, cryogenic propellants, storable propellants, in-house vacuum propulsion testing
  • Mechanical testing: pneumatic, cryogenic, and hydraulic systems, structural development and qualification, proof and burst
  • Environmental testing: vibration, temperature cycling, thermal shock, and vacuum

RCS Thruster Case Study